A TREE, A CHILD-To Grow Together
The Town of Beresford and its Environment and Beautification Committee are proud to present again this year a program that will offer one tree per new born or adopted child from our town! This program is offered in partnership with Pelouse Brunswick, a company established in Beresford.
The birth or the adoption of a child is a major life event for any family. This new being will enrich its family and join our community. Like a tree, this child will grow and flourish; both will enliven our lives through their presence.
Whether it be planted on family land or in one of the Town’s park, the tree will grow, prosper and embellish our community for many years, in the image of the child it is associated with.
The Town of Beresford will organize the planting in a spot of the parent’s choosing and a plaque, in the language of the parents’ choice, will be attached to the tree to identify the child to which it is associated.
The program is currently taking applications for children born or adopted in 2021 and for those to come in 2022. Interested residents must fill out and submit the application form.
Details of the program
Eligibility : Beresford family that has given birth or adopted a child in 2021 or 2022.
Plantation site: The tree must be planted in Beresford, on the family property, on the grandparents’ property or in a public park,
Tree species available:
- Red maple – despite the name, this one has green leaves.
- Oak
- Tilia
- Mountain ash
Plantation :
The plantation will be coordinated by the parents the tree supplier.
At plantation, the trees will be around 7 to 10 feet high. A city employee will contact you prior to planting to determine where to plant.
a small medallion, to be hung on the tree, personalized with the name of the child and its parents, the date of birth, the type of tree and the logo of the Town and of the supplier will be provided with each tree.
Please note that maintaining and caring for the tree is your responsibility (except for trees planted in public parks). The Town offers no warranty regarding the survival of the tree or any potential responsibility that could arise relating to the plantation of the tree.
To submit an application: Click here for the form or get a printed copy at the Town hall.