Town's Approach
The purpose of the citizen engagement committees is to encourage citizens to participate in the development of the Municipality of Beresford. Formed after public consultations held in 2011-2012, these committees aspire to advance issues affecting cultural development, the environment and beautification as well as issues affecting our seniors.
During the strategic planning sessions, engagement was a theme that often surfaced. When exploring the town’s strengths, it became evident that citizen commitment and implication truly set Beresford apart. It was very strong in the discussions. The involvement of the people is really the strength of Beresford.
The public consultations also revealed that this aspect was only the tip of the iceberg and that citizens presented great potential that should be maximized. This prompted the town council’s decision to build more on this strength and to establish citizen engagement committees in 2015 and 2016.
Citizens interested in working on these committees may express their interest to the Town and discuss with the councilor responsible for the committee that interests them.
A policy governs the actions of these committees which can be accessed here:
You can learn more about committees in their individual sections, found here.
Senior's-Friendly Municipality Committee (MADA)

The vision of the Seniors-Friendly Municipality Committee is to:
• Promote the adoption of concrete actions by and for our elderly population.
• Encourage the active participation of seniors in community and family life.
• Promote healthy lifestyles in the context of active aging.
• Encourage seniors to take charge of their health and thus contribute to their autonomy through a more active life.
• Support families in their involvement with our elderly population.
• Maintain employment for seniors wishing to continue working.
• Fight against abuse, prejudice, ageism and stereotypes.
The Senior’s-Friendly Municipality Committee aims to improve the quality of life of seniors by adapting services and activities to their reality. The municipality therefore takes an approach that takes active aging into account in its decision-making. It seeks to rally seniors and community organizations around the conviction that this constitutes a profitable investment for the entire community.
Achievements :
• Senior’s Park
• Telephone Guide for Seniors
Environment and Beautification Committee
The vision of the Environment and Beautification Committee is to:
- Help beautify the Town of Beresford through concrete actions throughout the year.
- Promote sustainable development.
- Our community and our environment will be much better off by protecting our water, land and air.
- Our environementally aware population will take the necessary measures to protect our environment.
Mission :
Promote the participation and involvement of citizens, raise their awareness and encourage them to carry out concrete actions that promote the beautification and upkeep of their living environment and that of our town.
The beautification committee seeks to:
- Encourage the population to contribute to making the town of Beresford a green territory and to preserve it.
- Present to the town a five-year plan to target spaces for beautification/environmental projects.
- Represent the Town of Beresford outside at regional, provincial and national events.
- Raise public awareness of horticulture as a form of leisure.
- Encourage the realization of beautification/environmental projects through public or private initiatives.
Achievements :
- Community mailboxes
- Annual exchange of perennials
- Bulb distribution
- Founding Families Park Project
- Project A Tree, A Child-To Grow Together
- Installation of winter decorative structures at the Town Hall
- Eco Grants

Cultural Development Committee

The Cultural Development Committee has produced a cultural policy for the Town of Beresford and an associated action plan. You can consult them here:
The vision of the Cultural Development Committee is to enhance our Acadian and Francophone identity through creative cultural and heritage activities.
Mission :
Exercise unifying leadership in the development of community identity and pride by propagating a sense of belonging to our community.
The cultural development committee aspires to:
- Promote Acadian and Francophone cultural development based on the Town’s strategic plan.
- Promote heritage.
- Support and improve, if necessary, existing cultural activities.
- Provide the municipality with a cultural policy.
- Identify cultural stakeholders and promote dialogue.
- Support cultural initiatives that meet the committee’s vision.
- Identify cultural development needs.
Achievements :
- Development of a cultural policy
- Location of the Beresford fête l’Acadie!
- Development of a collective murals project
- Creation of a study on cultural infrastructure needs