The Beresford Salt Marsh
The salt marsh is one of the most productive environments in the world. Indeed, its task is to filter pollutants from the water of rivers, lakes and oceans. More specifically, in Beresford, the salt marsh contributes to the cleansing of the waters of the Millstream and Peter Rivers, and of the Grant and Haché creeks. In addition, the salt marsh stabilizes the shores of our coasts, reduces the disastrous effects of flooding and protects the shores against erosion.
This transition zone between sea and land is full of animal and plant species that depend on this fragile habitat to survive. This is the case of the Maritime Ringlet Butterfly (Coenonympha tullia nipisiquit) which almost exclusively inhabits the Beresford Salt Marsh. See the section on the Maritime Ringlet butterfly here.
See the section on the Maritime Ringlet butterfly here.