Towards the end of the 18th century, more precisely in 1798 and in the subsequent years to follow, Acadians living in Bathurst began to leave the city to relocate elsewhere. They chose to settle on new lands in the neighboring region that the Amerindians called the Petit Nipisiguit. This territory become the one which is currently known as the Town of Beresford.
Our community was later named Beresford, in honor of William Carr Beresford, English viscount and general who would later become Lord Beresford. The name of Beresford was first given to the civil parish in 1814 and later to our village.

In 1967, the centennial year of Canada’s Confederation, our municipality became a village by law of incorporation. During this time, the new village then had around 1,000 inhabitants. Our first sworn-in mayor in the Village of Beresford was Mr. Wilfred Foulem, who went on to serve for 2 three-year terms.
On July 1, 1984, Beresford achieved town status, thus becoming the 28th town in New Brunswick. Mr. Réal Boudreau, who was elected mayor by acclamation the previous year, officially becomes the first mayor of the Town of Beresford. Mr. Boudreau took on three consecutive terms.
In 1983, a truly spectacular video portrait of the community was created. Please enjoy it below:
Although well renowned for its residential housing, the Town of Beresford, is also home to more than a hundred businesses, most of which are located along Principale Street. Beresford is the largest French-speaking town in the Chaleur region, and the majority of its citizens speak French and English; Canada’s two official languages. According to the 2016 Statistics Canada census, the official population is 4,351.
The building which is home to the Town Hall, the fire station and the Mgr.-Robichaud Public Library bears the name “Complexe Wilfred-A.-Foulem” in honour of the municipality’s first mayor.
The book Le petit Nipisiguit by Bishop Donat Robichaud is a complete work on the history of our town. Written in 1984, it remains the authority in the matter. It is available at the library of Beresford, which also bears the name of its author.